Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lava Tube Camp Out

This weekend we will be camping in Flagstaff near the Lava River Cave. Please be at the church in UNIFORM ready to go at 5:00 PM.  We will be home before dinner on Saturday. There may possibly be rain or snow so also be prepared for cold weather.

Scouts should bring:

Scout uniform 
Sleeping bag (2 if needed) 
Water bottle 2 liters
Camp Chair so we dont have people sitting on others chair 
Personal First Aid kit
Their own meals planned for dinner, breakfast and lunch ( lunch would be preferred as a sack lunch for the trail.
Snacks (optional)mess kittoiletries 
2 flashlights
Bike helmet if wanted
Tent WITH a tarp
Note: This is the same place we did our snow camp out except we will actually go to the caves and camp closer to them.

For details on this cave and location see the official website here:

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wave Cave Trail Campout

This weekend we will be camping at the wave cave trail head, near Peralta Trail head. Please be at the church in uniform ready to go at 5:00 PM.  We will be home before dinner on Saturday.

Scouts should bring:

Scout uniform
Sleeping bag
Water bottle 2 liters
Camp Chair
Personal First Aid kit
Their own meals planned for dinner, breakfast and lunch ( lunch would be preferred as a sack lunch for the trail.
Snacks (optional)
mess kit

Please pack as if this trip will be a backpacking trip (except for the camping chair).  We want the scouts to practice packing for a backpacking trip.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Windcave Hike

Please be at the church in uniform ready to go at 5:00 PM.  We will be home before dinner on Saturday.

We will be camping past the park, not in the park itself.  We will pack up camp the following morning and head into Usery Park for the Wind Cave hike.

For information on the park see this website:

There is an Archery Tournament in town this weekend so it will be busy at this location.

Scouts should bring:

Scout uniform
Sleeping bag
Water bottle 2 liters
Camp Chair
Personal First Aid kit
Food assignment (see below)
sack lunch
Snacks (optional)
mess kit

Food Assignments:
Grady: Bacon bits
Jack and Nathan: Carrots Ground beef and garlic
Nathan Crandall: Red potatoes 15 servings
Rex: Celery 1 onion
Scott Bolean cubes milk Apples
Bro. Hamblin: tang powder
Fisher: syrup
Kale: 2 cans of Grand's biscuits
Luke: brown sugar

Other Assignments:
Bro. Valecillos Senior: Dutch oven

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lava River Cave Campout

Please be at the church in uniform ready to go at 5:00 PM.  We will be home before dinner on Saturday.

Depending on the amount of snow, we might play in the snow or we might hike to the Lava River Cave (3 miles).  For more information on the cave see this website:

Lava River Cave Website

This will be a cold weather camping trip, please make sure the boys have enough layers to stay warm, as well as a change of clothes should they get wet.  Especially extra socks.

Scouts should bring:

Scout uniform
Sleeping bag for COLD or 2 of them
Water bottle
Camp Chair
Personal First Aid kit
Cold weather clothes (coat, gloves, hat, scarf, etc.)
waterproof shoes or bread bags.
Food assignment (see below)
sack lunch or money for lunch
Snacks (optional)

Food Assignments:

Jonah maple syrup
Fisher Honey
Grady Brown sugar
Luke fruit
Bro. Hamblin drinks

Other Assignments:
Bro. Ray Water, Table, Propane, Ladle
Bro. Hamblin Firewood

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lava Tube Cave Campout

We will be camping just north of Flagstaff near the Lava Tube Caves.  This will hopefully be a snow campout.  We have been discussing in troop meetings how to properly prepare.  For some additional tips please see this website:

Final details haven't been decided so stay tuned, but we are hoping to go on January 29th-30th.  We will need fathers to help drive. Please let Bro. Ray know if you can go.