Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fairview Camping Part 2

Last month our camping plans were cancelled due to the rain.  Because of the Eagle Project scheduled for this weekend, we're going to try again.

We will be camping in a field located in the county island just west of our neighborhood on Fairview drive (south side of the road, about half way in between Higley and Greenfield).   We should all meet at the Church at 5:00 PM and then if possible have your parents stick around for a few minutes to drive over to the campsite at 5:10.

Everyone boy should plan on cooking themselves a meal.  For the boys that don't yet have their cooking merit badge, this is one of their chances to cook an outdoor meal that they planned (and priced).

The boys should bring:

-Sleeping bag, tent and/or tarp
-warm clothes
-first aid kit
-1 liter of water
-Plan for RAIN
-food for dinner and breakfast

Ingredients to compete in the Gourmet Smores competition!

The following morning the boys will be participating in Kyle's Eagle Scout project and they should be home by lunch.