Friday, August 28, 2015

Fossil Springs Campout

Fossil Springs Campout 

This weekend we will be camping in Fossil Springs. We are meeting at the church at 4:45 and will be departing around 5:00. There will be a short hike from the camp ground to the Waterfall.  We should be home around 2:00 on Saturday. For travel, the boys should wear their uniforms. We will be swimming at the campout so bring your swimsuits. There are no food assignments for the campout, but the boys will be cooking their own meals for the cooking merit badge. It needs to be a well rounded meal, and you should check the merit badge requirement at

Camp List:

Tent (if needed)
Sleeping bag
Swimsuit & Towel
Personal First aid kit 
Day pack for the short hike 
Extra clothes 
Rain gear (there may be rain)