Thursday, November 5, 2015

Patriotic Camporee 2015

Please be at the church in uniform no later than 5:00 PM

Please eat before you come OR plan on cooking for yourself at the camporee.  Breakfast and lunch on Saturday will be provided. We should be home around dinner time on Saturday.

Scouts should bring:
Full scout uniform (for inspection)
Filled out Medical Form (see link to the right, parts A and B)
Sleeping bag
Water bottle
Camp Chair
Good  shoes
Scout Book
Personal First Aid kit
Day pack to hold make and take crafts(optional)
Plan for cooler weather and rain (no rain forecasted)
Snacks (optional)

For additional information on the Camporee please see the Ditrict website linked here:

For those that ordered the Miracles in American book, please bring $10.

If you can't make it at 5:00 or you need to return early on Saturday, the camporee is at Rawhide in Chandler so parents can bring them or pick them up as needed.
Directions to Rawhide are here: